If you like Basset Hounds this is the place for you, but if you don't,  maybe you can learn something. If you want to get to the Photo Gallery right away scroll down and click on the book.

  History: This old breed is said to have come from the bloodhound. Its extremely long ears, wrinkles above the eyes, and an excellent sense of smell support this theory. The name basset came from the short-legged, long-bodied appearance. It still hunts hares, pheasants, and other birds in its native country of France. In the United States and England, however, it is more popular as a house pet because of its appearance and facial expression. The basset was recognized in the United States in 1885.

      Body:The basset hound has extremely lowset, long, pendant ears, reaching
well beyond the end of the muzzle if pulled forward; deep-set eyes with a haw sometimes showing; thick, short, well-boned legs; and big firm feet. The hard, short coat is smooth and dense. Coloring includes black and tan, white and tan, and any other hound colors.

    Character:  This dog has a charming deep, sonorous bark. The basset is an excellent gundog, as it possesses an outstanding sense of smell and stamina. Absolutely obedient, devoted to its master, and willing to face any difficulty, this breed makes a good guard and house dog.

    Care: The coat should either be massaged or brushed gently to remove dead hair. The
basset should be bathed two to three times a month. The long ears need to be frequently cleaned,
especially inside.

    Exercise: The basset hound tends to get fat without proper diet and exercise. Lack of
exercise will also cause constipation and bloating.

   Training: The basset is gentle and good with children, but lack of training during
puppyhood can make this dog a stubborn adult.

   Puppies: Puppies, 8 - 10 per litter, grow fast. It is important that they are given sufficient calcium in their diet or they will develop bone disorders. Their ears can also become infected due to being bitten while puppies are playing with each other.

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